Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

I know it's been quite some time since I've updated the blog.  I do have an excuse though!  We have been without a computer for quite some time.  We have been spending the past few days in West Virginia, so I figured now would be a good time to jump back into the blogging world since I can use my dad's computer!

We attempted a family pic this year....considering the number of children, I think the picture turned out really well!  Is everyone really looking at the camera?  It's a Christmas miracle!

We had a lot of fun with the pictures.....maybe too much fun!  Riley fell down the stairs just a few moments after this!  After the craziness we all opened presents.  Since the family is continuing to grow, we have decided to draw names each year for a Christmas gift exchange. 

Dad got the best gift of all!  

Merry Christmas from the Georges!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nine Months Old!

Time is flying, that's for sure.  Miss Riley turned 9 months on the 3rd of September.  The big 1 is just around the corner.  Here are some vital stats for Riley at the 9 months mark.

Weight:  19.81 pounds (64 percentile)
Length:  28.5 inches (76 percentile)
Teeth:  2 on the bottom, 2 on the top starting to poke through
First words:  Mommy....ok, not really.  Still just babbling, but says da-da a lot!  Not sure if that's for Daddy or Davis :)
Hobbies:  crawling, eating cheerios, stealing sips from big brother's cup, eating rocks from the gas fireplace
Mood:  Happy, happy, happy!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Playing in the Rain

My little man LOVES playing in the rain!

Why is it that he screams in horror when I pour water over his head in the bath, but the pouring rain, claps of thunder, and lightening flashes produce nothing but pure excitement?

I'd say it's a little too late for the umbrella, pal!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Almost Heaven

Our Labor Day weekend was spent in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia!  We were due for a trip back home, seeing how Riley was just 9 weeks old when we last visited!  Here are a few of the highlights of our trip!

Riley loves Mawmaw Fran!

Riley loves Shiloh too!

The power went out twice while we were in WV.  Once at Papa and Nana George's house and then again at Nana and Pawpaw Webb's house!  Davis and Riley are pros at taking baths in the dark. 

I guess you have to turn the flash off to get the full effect!

That's more like it!

Davis played with cars pretty much all day every day.  He even played with the same matchbox cars his daddy and uncle played with when they were young.

One of his favorite cars.....Pawpaw's VW Bug!

One of our favorite things to do while in WV (since it was raining most days) was visit the nursery at Nana Webb's church.  Plenty of toys to play with here!  It didn't hurt that Tim Horton's was next door.  Coffee for me and donut for Davis!  And most mornings Davis was kind enough to share his donut with me :)

And finally, Davis came face to face with Pawpaw's firetruck!!

He can hardly contain his excitement!  Can't you tell?!

Go Herd!  But really, Go 'Eers!

Davis may have been more excited about the toy I got him from Dollar General than the firetruck.  Oh well, I guess it's the little things in life!

Can't wait to get back on those country my van....with 2 cranky babies.  Ok, maybe not!  Seriously, we had such a good time and are looking forward to our next visit!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bathtub fun

So glad I was able to capture some Davis and Riley shenanigans in the tub.  While Davis receives a reprimand in the first video, he quickly recovers in time for the start of the second clip. 

So glad I have these videos on file....for those days when I just need a good laugh!  Thanks Davis and Riley for all the laughter you bring to my life!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I've been mentioning Davis's need of a haircut for quite some time now.  However, his curls have caused me hesitaiton.  After a few fits of frustration (and hair pulling) over the hair falling in his eyes, I figured it was time to get it done.  This is Davis a couple hours before the deed was done.  Again, clearly in need of a trim!

You'll never guess what he's doing in these pictures!  Ok, it's pretty easy....watching ABC's on the computer.

First things first....time to bust out the suckers.

On to the next distraction.....BUBBLES!!

Well, that obviously didn't work.  The cape threw him over the edge.   

Poor little fella was a bit frightened.

So, momma came to the rescue.  Really, that didn't help either!

He finally calmed down and only cried 3 of the 5 minutes it took to cut his hair. 

Now he's a happy boy!!  And handsome to boot! 

My handsome little boy!  So glad he FINALLY got and haircut!  Even happier he still has his curls!

Just Because

I love this sweet little face! 

She thinks she is so big....pulling up all by herself....all the time!

All the while Davis is watching firetrucks and ABC's on the computer.

Such a camera ham!  I love it!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On the Move

Mark it down!  Riley has officially started crawling! 

No one can stop her now...not even Davis.

And clearly, Davis is not impressed.  Even more clearly, he needs a haircut!

Nevertheless, Riley is quite proud of herself.

Way to go Rudy!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Proud owner of.....

A mini van!!  Hard to believe I am this thrilled about owning this large vehicle, but my life seriously got a heck of a lot easier!  I realize that my cool factor just dropped a couple levels.  Although, sporting my Ray-Ban avaitors does help to even things out.  The fact of the matter is, I don't care how cool I look.  I'm thrilled that Davis's feet are no longer resting on my shoulders during our trips to the grocery store.  Gone are the back breaking days of buckling and unbuckling 2 small children in a pint-sized four-door sedan.  Yes, I am in love!  And so is Davis...and that makes me happy! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Babies

Lately it's been hard to capture smiles from this little guy.  I promise, he's a happy boy!

Just very serious about the tasks at hand.  And he SERIOUSLY needs a haircut! 

On the other hand, this little girl is smiles all the time....well, maybe not all the time!

These pictures were taken while big brother was napping.  For some reason, her smiles are bigger and more frequent during this time.  I haven't the slightest idea why that would be?!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

support my friend

My dear friend Kara is pretty crafty.  She is the creator of this adorable headband.  The baby's pretty cute too, if I do say so myself!

Click here to check out her inventory of hair accessories....and so much more!

Psalm 18:29

"For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall."
This has long been a favorite verse of mine. And (surprise!) it's the meaning behind the title of my blog. I discovered this verse in nursing school. At that time, I thought I was facing some pretty tall walls. I claimed the verse throughout school, and my God was always faithful. Since then I have faced numerous troops and walls that pale in comparison to med-surg nursing finals.  Which brings me to the purpose of this blog....the little blessings in my life that have provided the most challenging walls in my life thus far.  Praise God for his sustaining grace and strength!  Day by day he gives me the power to leap over walls, no matter how big or small.  I'm so thankful for these precious little blessings God has given me....they are a sweet taste of His (undeserved) goodness.

A rare picture together

Oh man!  I didn't know I could love a little girl so much!

I had my doubts, but he has become such a good big brother to his sweet baby sister.