Thursday, August 4, 2011

Psalm 18:29

"For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall."
This has long been a favorite verse of mine. And (surprise!) it's the meaning behind the title of my blog. I discovered this verse in nursing school. At that time, I thought I was facing some pretty tall walls. I claimed the verse throughout school, and my God was always faithful. Since then I have faced numerous troops and walls that pale in comparison to med-surg nursing finals.  Which brings me to the purpose of this blog....the little blessings in my life that have provided the most challenging walls in my life thus far.  Praise God for his sustaining grace and strength!  Day by day he gives me the power to leap over walls, no matter how big or small.  I'm so thankful for these precious little blessings God has given me....they are a sweet taste of His (undeserved) goodness.

A rare picture together

Oh man!  I didn't know I could love a little girl so much!

I had my doubts, but he has become such a good big brother to his sweet baby sister.

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